Use a Blanket that’s Big Enough

People don’t want to get in over their heads with a mortgage payment they can’t afford.

Recent conversations with First Time Buyers have revealed a refreshing attitude amongst today’s home buyers: affordability. People don’t want to get in over their heads with a mortgage payment they can’t afford. I really like that. I have advocated exactly that concept with my clients for my entire career: buy a home you can afford.

During The Boom my words of advice in this regard fell on deaf ears. I would do then as I do now: calculate the mortgage payment and ask the client if this number fits the family budget. In other words, “Can you afford this?” Too often the answer would be “Yes” when I truly knew it should be a “No.” I tried to tell these folks to buy a cheaper house, buy a home they could afford so as not to lead to trouble down the line. I walked away from many of those situations because I just couldn’t reconcile the math and I wouldn’t be a party to a future financial disaster. I knew full well, as I left the room, that another mortgage “professional” would sit down with those clients and tell them what they wanted to hear, give them a truly bad mortgage, collect his commission check, and march off into the sunset leaving this family with a ticking time bomb.

I sat last night with a young couple shopping for a 2 family home. They make an excellent income and have excellent credit. They’re working with not a whole lot of cash (for New York) and so we’ve qualified them for an FHA Insured mortgage loan. They had an expression, “Use a blanket that’s big enough.” In other words, buy a home you can afford. It’s truly all about the monthly payment. If you can’t reconcile that number with your family’s budget, you’re either not ready to buy, or you should look for a less expensive home.

Even though this couple could afford a pretty hefty mortgage payment based on their income, they insist on shopping for a house that allows for a mortgage payment that leaves “breathing room” in their budget. This is good, sober thinking.

When you buy a home, you’re reaching for the stars to make the dream of homeownership come true. But reaching for the stars doesn’t mean you have to launch yourself into orbit. You can make that dream come true with an affordable mortgage payment if you are honest with yourself and realize that you really need to a “blanket that’s big enough.”

Makes sense to me, a blanket that’s big enough keeps you warm at night.

I welcome Comments for all my blog entries. I will be happy to review and approve all legitimate comments provided by readers of I do not permit unfettered access to comments for obvious reasons: mortgage spammers and their ilk. If you wish to Comment on any entry, please do so and I will quickly review and approve. Thanks for reading Hope that helps!

They’re BACK. Mortgage Losers/Thieves/Lowlifes Return To the Industry

All those mortgage losers who put this industry and the economy in the toilet are returning to prey on consumers once again.

We’re seeing it. All those mortgage losers who put this industry and the economy in the toilet are returning to prey on consumers once again. They’re returning because opportunities abound to separate hard-working homeowners and homebuyers from their money.

We’re hearing of people getting back into the mortgage business after the long cold “winter” of 2007-2009 when business was hard to come by and only the brave and the bold stuck it out to continue hard-earned careers. These mortgage-professional-wannabees are coming back because low interest rates and a newfound sense of optimism are bringing buyers back and opening up homeowners’ minds to the idea of refinancing.

The Associated Press reported of a warning from Senator Charles Schumer about these mortgage losers. The Senator it seems is also aware of the return of these crooks looking to ripoff consumers. Read more HERE

More than ever when shopping for a mortgage the words “Buyer Beware” ring true. Look for those mortgage professionals with substantial experience and preferably those who you find through a referral from a friend or family member, or your tax professional or attorney. Searching the internet for a mortgage professional is, IMHO, a recipe for disaster. You’re likely to come across many alleged experts who only want to tell you what you want to hear just to get your business. Once they get you to the closing table, everything changes and you can watch your money evaporate from your wallet.

I’ve recently cautioned against working with non-FHA approved mortgage people. These are yet another class of mortgage lowlife who pretend they are allowed to originate FHA loans. Worse, they pretend to know “all about” FHA loans. I just spoke on the phone while writing this blog entry with a young man who told me how he encountered many such people who claimed they could approve him for an FHA loan on a Co-Op apartment purchase. He told me they all seemed very happy to want to separate him from his money for application fees and the like. He contacted me to ask about getting an FHA loan for a Co-Op. He seemed to know already that such a loan was not available, but thought it’s because FHA doesn’t insure Co-Op loans. In fact, FHA DOES indeed insure Co-Op loans (FHA is an insurance program; FHA doesn’t make the loan, they insure the Lender’s loan in the event of foreclosure). I explained this fact to him. The problem with FHA and Co-Op loans is there are no Lenders who provide such financing.

No conversation about mortgage lowlifes would be complete without a mention of those poor homeowners trying to do a loan modification. As I mentioned recently, there are many scams out there with alleged “loan modification experts” very willing to take thousands of dollars in fees from distressed homeowners while providing absolutely nothing in return: no modification, no saving of the house, nothing, nada, zilch. Many of these crooks are, in my opinion, former mortgage losers who have changed their crime tactics from putting unsuspecting people into terrible sub-prime loans. Now they seek to steal your money—and your home—by pretending to counsel you on modifying your loan. BUYER BEWARE.

If you truly feel you wish to modify your loan contact an attorney. Or do it yourself.

On a sidenote, I attended a job fair yesterday seeking to recruit salespeople for the company where I work. I met the recruiters from the FBI and asked them to please, “…hire more people today and arrest more mortgage brokers.” They laughed and asked what I do. “I’m a mortgage broker!” I replied. “Please, I’m serious,” I continued, “these people have destroyed my industry, please hire some good people today and go out and arrest more mortgage brokers.”

Postscript: To the young man who called for advice on FHA and the Co-Op loan: Thank you for your kind compliment about and thank you for stopping by to read my rantings!!!

I welcome Comments for all my blog entries. I will be happy to review and approve all legitimate comments provided by readers of I do not permit unfettered access to comments for obvious reasons: mortgage spammers and their ilk. If you wish to Comment on any entry, please do so and I will quickly review and approve. Thanks for reading Hope that helps!

A New Hope…just like the Old Days

As a new sense of optimism sweeps into the housing market, the old-fashioned way of getting your mortgage comes once again into vogue.

There’s a feeling of hope we’re seeing from new clients; they want to buy homes. Monthly payment leads the day when it comes to determining if they can buy a home, not the rate, not the state of the economy, not the state of the housing market. And that’s just like the old days.

The hope is driven by the idea there will be a new President, a new administration, and a new attitude in Washington.

These people are coming out in the cold, looking at homes, asking questions, making offers and ultimately buying a home. Many of them are being qualified using another traditional mortgage “standard” the FHA Insured mortgage loan.

FHA has been around since The Great Depression and is still, in my humble opinion, the best way for a family to purchase a home. FHA financing allows for a more “human” understanding of a borrower’s qualifications; lower credit scores (not “deadbeat” credit, just the stuff life throws at you), lower cash required for downpayment (important in the NY Metro region where the cost of living and closing costs are so high), and the ability to use more of your income to qualify for the loan.

I’ve performed miracles using FHA loans throughout my career; and a lot of plain old boring loans that didn’t require a miracle, just a human touch.

FHA is a government insurance program; it’s not a bailout. The bank makes the loan, Uncle Sam insures it against foreclosure. So an old program comes into it’s own just in time. As a new sense of optimism sweeps into the housing market, the old-fashioned way of getting your mortgage—with some help from the government through the FHA—comes once again into vogue.

Yay for that.

The Return of PMI: Private Mortgage Insurance

With the mortgage meltdown eradicating piggyback loan programs, and borrowers still needing to finance more than 80% of the purchase price of a home, the need for loans with PMI has become a default issue.

Everything that was “old” is new again, including PMI.

PMI is Private Mortgage Insurance and is required for most mortgage loans when the Buyer’s downpayment is less than 20% of the purchase price.

Back when the now infamous 80/20 or “piggyback” loans were making inroads into the mortgage industry, I was one of the last holdouts at my company (besides my pal and fellow old-timer Barry W.) still originating mortgage loans with PMI. Younger loan officers looked at me as if I were mad for still talking, originating and closing PMI loans. Eventually I made the leap and included the “piggyback” mortgages on the product menu I recommended to clients. Those 80/20 or 80/15 piggybacks I originated all had fixed rates—I just don’t do ARM loans—and, even though the interest rates on the second mortgage was high (usually 9-11%), often the total mortgage payment was cheaper than a mortgage loan with PMI.

The added benefit of mortgage interest tax-deductibility didn’t hurt the situation, either. PMI is not tax deductible.

With the mortgage meltdown mess eradicating most all of those piggyback loan programs, and borrowers still needing to finance more than 80% of the purchase price of a home, the need for loans with PMI has become a default issue.

I’ve noticed also that some Lenders are offering “Affordable” mortgage financing products with reasonably priced PMI payments in order to assist First Time Homebuyers obtain financing during the mortgage meltdown days of 2007. This is a really good thing because too often the PMI premiums—and thus the monthly payment included with a Borrower’s mortgage payment of “PITI”—are so high as to prevent Buyers from moving forward on a home purchase.

Once again I say, “What once was OLD is NEW again!” Welcome back, PMI.

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“Asking Price” Doesn’t Matter to Realistic Buyers

A Buyer who worries about asking price is missing the bigger picture of how to negotiate the purchase of a home.

The methods used to determine asking price on any given property are so wildly varied as to defy clear definition. Especially as emotion plays such a large part in the ultimate decision.

In this market, in my opinion, the Buyer should set their own price.

A Buyer who worries while shopping about asking price and list price is missing the bigger picture of how to negotiate the [tag]purchase of a home[/tag].

The [tag]Realtor[/tag] doesn’t control you—and you should never let them, either!

1. Create your wish list for the home you want.
2. Identify the neighborhood(s) you like.
3. Get out there and shop, shop, shop (that means: do NOT sit at home looking at internet listings; all you’re seeing are ADVERTISEMENTS, not homes).
4. Being out there you gather personal data to compare/contrast against your wish list.
5. Being out there you develop your own personal “gut-feeling” of [tag]market price[/tag].
6. Make offers. That’s how you, the Buyer, determine the market price. (btw: I gave the SAME advice during the boom).

If a Seller is truly interested in selling, you and the Seller will work out your differences on price (in other words: your opening bid is almost NEVER your maximum price, nor is it the Seller’s bottom price) and find that equilibrium wherein both parties are happy and there occurs a “meeting of the minds.”

If a Seller is unrealistic, you will walk away from the [tag]house[/tag] because no amount of patient negotiating is going to convince that Seller of the “true” market price.

This isn’t rocket science: it’s just patience and a realistic appraisal of the market for [tag]home buying[/tag].

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Your personal market value “divining rod”

Go out there as a “dowser” to learn about homes in your chosen neighborhood. You will determine market value better than any Realtor or appraiser or homeowner because you will have been comparing homes, checking features against price, and meeting Sellers.

There is long-standing folklore about those interesting people who walk around with a divining rod searching for water and the best place to dig for a well. Those folks call themselves “dowsers.”

“Dowsing is as strictly defined the claimed ability to discover underground sources of water or metals by means of a ‘dowsing rod.’ Another term used is ‘divining.'”

While that may be myth, there’s something to be said for developing your own ability as a “dowser” when shopping for a home. Especially in these crazy times when Sellers stand firm on prices from 2005 and refuse to price the house to sell. The fact is, without Buyers driving the market prices down, those prices won’t change on their own. And there are not many Buyers walking the streets these days.

If you have decided that you must own a home now—regardless of market craziness—then you’re obviously going to be out there on the streets looking for a home to buy.

With reluctant Sellers and a dearth of Buyers, what’s a person to do?

I say, “DOWSE!” (is that actually a verb?)

Your “divining rod” as it were, is your own personal market value indicator. You create this divining rod by researching property values in your chosen neighborhood.

1. Research the values using internet tools. The ‘net resources available for this are many and varied:,,, and are good starters. But the internet is not the be all and end all for information about the home you wish to buy. Don’t fall into the trap of relying solely on the ‘net for your research.

2. Get out there and look at [tag]houses[/tag]. There is no substitute for visiting houses in person. Whether you do this on appointments with [tag]Realtors[/tag] or just by visiting open houses on the weekends (I recommend BOTH methods), you must undertake this important facet of your research for a home.

When you are looking at lots of homes—both online and in person—you will soon develop your “divining rod” and you’ll be a home-buying-dowser!

You will get a sense of the features of different homes at different price points.

You will learn the quirks of the people selling homes and how it is possible for someone to have a ridiculous expectation of what their home is worth.

You will get to see yourself more clearly—in your mind’s eye—in the [tag]home of your dreams[/tag].

Most of all, you will develop a personal perspective on prices and thus market value in your desired neighborhood.

With that experience, you will be a better negotiator on price. Because you will have developed a “gut instinct” (or divining rod!), you can better set a maximum price you’re willing to pay for any given home. You can see past ugly wallpaper and ancient carpeting; you can better understand when a Seller is being completely unreasonable.

Get ready to go out there as a “dowser” to learn about homes in your chosen neighborhood. You will determine market value better than any Realtor or appraiser or homeowner because you will have been comparing homes, compiling features versus price, and meeting Sellers.

Dowse away!
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When is the best time of year to buy a home?

If you know that buying a home is the right thing to do for your own personal reasons, then YOU make the time. YOU determine the “when.”

Is there a “best” time of year to buy a home?

Is there a time of year when Sellers are more willing to negotiate because they are more desperate?

When is that time? When?

If you trust your fundamentals, if you know that buying a home is the right thing to do for your own personal reasons, then YOU make the time. YOU determine the “when.”

Maybe it’s because I teach my clients how to negotiate like piranhas.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been looking at (and dreaming of) real estate since I was in my twenties living in an apartment in Astoria.

Maybe it’s because of my eighteen years in the mortgage business working all year ’round through all kinds of markets.

Whatever my reasons, I will say to you this: YOU make the time because YOU get out there and find, force and MAKE the deal that you’re happy with.

The “when” is not based on the market; rather YOU determine the when by shopping and finding and making your deal.

I believe in negotiating hard and tough and forcing a price. I believe in getting up and walking away from the table.

I believe the “dream house” exists in our minds, therefore you can never truly “fall in love” with a house.

I believe you, as a Buyer, truly control your own destiny and I believed that even when the market was overheated and Sellers were insane. (In my long experience, Sellers are ALWAYS insane! You just have to search until you find one who’s willing to be a bit more reasonable than the rest!)

Maybe it’s because I believe it’s all up to YOU.

Make your own Supply to meet your Demand

Toss economic theory out the window. If you are ready to buy a home—for your own reasons—then it’s time to make your own economic theories and make ’em stick.

So you know you definitely want to buy your own home. No matter the market conditions, interest rates, or status of A-Rod’s quest to hit Home Run #500, you have your reasons.

If that’s the case, how then to find a house at a price you’re willing to pay?

There is a glut of homes available for sale, but you can be pretty sure there is also a glut of Sellers out there with unrealistic expectations as to the price they’ll accept. And those expectations might very likely be out of line with your personal viewpoint on market value.
Back in Economics 101 we were taught about Supply and Demand, and how one affects the other, especially regards price.

I say, chuck the economic theory out the window. If you are ready to buy a home—for your own reasons—then it’s time to make your own economic theories and make ’em stick.

Here’s how, then, to find the Supply of houses you’d be willing to buy and thus meet your own personal Demand.

1. Determine a monthly payment you’re comfortable with.

When you are prequalified, your mortgage professional will calcluate for you the monthly payments on a maximum loan based on your income. If the maximum loan you’re qualified for has a payment beyond your comfort level, then ask your mortgage pro to “step it down.” You’ll have a payment you’re comfortable with and you’ll know, based on the new calculations, your maximum price.

2. Shop, shop, shop.

Create your own “gut-sense” of market value. You do this by looking at homes—in person—in your chosen neighborhood and learning the price points of different houses with different amenities and sizes. Look at a lot of houses.

When you are out shopping for a home on a Saturday and a Sunday, make offers. In New York you can make as many offers as you like; until you sign a contract of sale with your attorney, you’re not committed to anything. This is a good way to get at the essence of a Seller’s mindset: are they serious about selling, and what price do they really have in mind? At worst you’ll find out just how unrealistic a Seller is with price expectations. When you meet those kinds of Sellers, it’s time to move on, and you haven’t lost much time “falling in love” with that house!
While negotiating offers, determine the maximum price for any given house. You set that price by trusting your “gut sense” of market values because you’ve been out looking at lots and lots and lots of houses.

When you negotiate offers, first with your opening price and then up to your maximum price you create your own opportunities for “corrected prices” by seeking out the Homeowners who will sell to you at YOUR price.

3. Trust your “stuff.”

In baseball, when a pitcher is a bit flummoxed, the catcher or coach will come out to the mound and say, “Trust your stuff.”

When you’re shopping for your home, the “stuff” is all that homework you’ve done by looking at homes in your chosen market, developing an instinct as to true market price.

The second ingredient in your “stuff” is the knowledge of your personal “fundamentals.” These fundamentals exist with you, not out in the ether expressed on some internet site somewhere as an unfathomable variable in a real property valuation equation. YOU are the equation: your instinct, and your fundamentals. Taken together, it’s your “stuff,” and you should trust it!

The fundamentals are very simply:

-Do you want to rent or own?
-Can you locate a house at a price you’re comfortable with?
-Will you own that house for a long enough period of time to make sense considering how much money you’ll invest to make the purchase?
-Are there intangible benefits to owning that you want to realize, and that you absolutely cannot obtain by renting?

Those are the fundamentals.

A lot of people think there should be some baseline, some pre-defined “bottom” of the market and a condition of economic equilibrium at which point it makes sense to buy a home. They think there is some fixed equation like the Pythagorean Theorem when it comes to real estate market prices and timing.

Umm, no. There’s no such thing. Take it from someone with 18 years professional and 21 years personal experience with real estate.

Homeownership is what you make of it, quite literally. It starts with a dream, continues with your comfort level with the numbers, and finishes with your decision as to your own personal fundamentals.